Thursday, January 22, 2009


My jewelry making has been going really well lately. I think a couple more months, and I'll be posting my stuff on etsy. I have a good collection going. Hopefully, I will soon have a good amount of materials, so I won't have to go to Joann's and Michael's every time I realize I need this certain string, wire, or bead. Haha!

However, work. I'm trying to hard to stay away from the bullshit drama. We all know how that goes. It's not THAT bad. Zach says I complain about every job I have ever worked at. He's probably right. I've brushing up on my Spanish, I would like to be fluent in it eventually. I just want to learn a new language, and Spanish seems the more practical right now. Considering, I live in a town with a high population of Hispanic ethnicity.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

people.. err.. kids, don't give enough credit to the eloquent sound of the spanish language. and spanish culture for that matter. which is a shame because it's actually very interesting.